ADHD(注意欠如・多動症)とチック(Tic)症は、比較的高い頻度で合併することが知られています。 研究によると、ADHDのある人の 30~60% が何らかのチック症状を経験すると報告されています。以下、ADHDとチックの合併率、発症メカニズム、影響について詳しく説明します。
1. ADHDとチックの合併率
① ADHD患者におけるチック症の頻度
ADHDのある子どもの 30~60% が一時的または慢性的なチック症を持つとされる。
特に 小児期にADHDが診断された場合、チックが併発する確率が高い。
チック症の一種であるトゥレット症候群(Tourette Syndrome)は、ADHDの約20~50%に合併 すると報告されている。
② チック症患者におけるADHDの頻度
トゥレット症候群のある患者の約60~80%がADHDを併発 するとされる。
2. ADHDとチックが合併しやすい理由
① 共通の神経基盤
両者に共通するのは、「抑制機能の障害」 であり、これがチックとADHDの合併率を高める要因と考えられる。
② ドーパミンの関与
ADHDとチック症のどちらも ドーパミン神経系の異常 が関連している。
ADHDでは ドーパミン不足 により注意力や行動制御が困難。
チック症では ドーパミン過剰 により、意図しない運動や発声が出やすくなる。
③ 遺伝的要因
ADHDとチック症の両方に関与する遺伝子(例: DRD4、DAT1 などのドーパミン関連遺伝子)が共通している。
4. ADHDとチックの治療
① ADHD治療とチックの関係
メチルフェニデート(コンサータ・リタリン) → ドーパミン活性を高めるため、チックが悪化する可能性 あり。
アトモキセチン(ストラテラ) → ノルアドレナリン系に作用し、チックの影響が少ない とされる。
グアンファシン(インチュニブ) → ADHDとチックの両方に有効な可能性があり、小児の治療に使われることが多い。
② チックの治療
重度のチックは抗ドーパミン薬(リスペリドン、アリピプラゾール)を使用 することがある。
Today, I will explain the relationship between tics and ADHD, their high comorbidity rate, underlying mechanisms, and treatment considerations.
1. The Comorbidity of ADHD and Tics
ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and tic disorders, including Tourette Syndrome, commonly co-occur. Studies indicate that 30–60% of individuals with ADHD experience some form of tic symptoms. Below, we explore the prevalence and reasons behind this high comorbidity.
(1) Frequency of Tics in ADHD Patients
30–60% of children with ADHD experience transient or chronic tics.
The earlier ADHD is diagnosed in childhood, the higher the likelihood of tic disorders emerging.
Tourette Syndrome (TS), a neurological disorder characterized by motor and vocal tics, coexists with ADHD in approximately 20–50% of cases.
(2) Frequency of ADHD in Tic Disorder Patients
60–80% of individuals with Tourette Syndrome are also diagnosed with ADHD.
Both ADHD and tic disorders typically emerge in childhood, suggesting a shared neurodevelopmental basis.
2. Why Do ADHD and Tics Often Coexist?
The co-occurrence of ADHD and tic disorders is thought to result from abnormalities in neural circuits in the brain.
(1) Shared Neurological Mechanisms
Prefrontal Cortex Dysfunction
ADHD: Delayed development of the prefrontal cortex, leading to difficulties in impulse control.
Tics: Dysfunctional communication between the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia (particularly the caudate nucleus), making it difficult to suppress involuntary movements.
Common Factor: Deficits in inhibitory control, which may explain why ADHD and tic disorders frequently coexist.
(2) The Role of Dopamine
Both ADHD and tic disorders are linked to dopamine system dysfunction:
ADHD: Dopamine deficiency, leading to attention deficits and impulsivity.
Tic Disorders: Excessive dopamine activity, contributing to involuntary motor and vocal tics.
Dysregulation of dopamine balance may contribute to the high comorbidity of ADHD and tics.
(3) Genetic Factors
Shared genetic components are implicated in both ADHD and tic disorders.
Certain genes, such as DRD4 and DAT1, which are associated with dopamine regulation, are found in both ADHD and tic disorder patients.
Family studies suggest that ADHD and tic disorders frequently occur together within the same families, supporting a genetic link.
3. Treatment Considerations for ADHD and Tic Disorders
(1) ADHD Treatment and Its Impact on Tics
Methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin) → Can worsen tics due to its dopamine-enhancing effects.
Atomoxetine (Strattera) → Affects norepinephrine rather than dopamine, making it less likely to exacerbate tics.
Guanfacine (Intuniv) → Effective for both ADHD and tics, commonly used in children.
(2) Tic Disorder Treatment
Mild tics: Often improve over time and may not require medical treatment.
Severe tics: Treated with dopamine antagonists such as Risperidone or Aripiprazole, which help reduce tic severity.
4. Summary
30–60% of individuals with ADHD also experience tics, and 60–80% of those with Tourette Syndrome have ADHD.
Shared dopamine dysregulation, prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia dysfunction, and genetic factors contribute to the comorbidity.
Stimulant medications (Concerta, Vyvanse) may worsen tics, so alternative treatments like Strattera or Intuniv are often preferred.
However, improving ADHD symptoms can sometimes lead to a reduction in tic severity, making accurate diagnosis and individualized treatment planning essential.
If you have concerns about ADHD, tic disorders, or their co-occurrence, please consult with our clinic for a personalized assessment and treatment plan.